Team Associated Band Battery Holders


If you drive like I do, you have the occasional lawn dart. It seemed like way too many times, I’d get finished with a qualifier, remove the lid, and the battery had crept out from under the stock mount.

What to do? Obviously, drive better. But in the meantime, this was something to remedy. By utilizing both stock battery mounting position in the side rails, a thick, super-beefy cup and some silicon rubber bands, your battery will stay put. It’s lightweight, uses your stock mounts and only needs a few button screws.

This hold down option is available in 2 versions. The first is for normal shorty packs and has multiple adjustable positions. And for those of you running the very slim LCG (Low Center of Gravity)shorties there’s a non-adjustable version that countersinks over the stock posts to keep that wafer thin battery in place.

Rubber bands not your thing? Well, there’s a tab version available that locks your battery down like a mobile Fort Knox. You can find that one here.

Get the band back together.

Having your battery fly out of your ride is a full on “aww S*#!” moment. Covering more of the sides and a lightweight rubber band across the top makes a snug fit. Some physics nerd will tell you that moving the weight to the sides and lower is better for lowering your CG. I’d rather just know I’m not gonna lose a bullet connector when I miss the triple and plow into the base of the jump.

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