Xray XB2 Short Battery Strap


Trying to fit everything into an Xray is a challenge sometimes. If you run your pack to the back and refuse to use foam, you can use the short strap. Running a weight under your LiPo? There’s an option to account for the extra distance the stock Xray ones don’t account for.

And…This is your chance to add a little extra bling to your ride. Oh, sure that Ride Low wienerdog looks sweet, but maybe you’ve got some other ideas for that nice, wide flat area. Have your name, your logo, a poop emoji, whatever put in that area. (Requires a custom quote and charge).

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Hold it down and hold on to your butt.

Avoid the “aww S*#!” moment of your LiPo flying out of your ride. Displacing the weight of the pack lower over more area stops that. Some physics nerd will tell you that moving the weight to the sides and lower is better for lowering your CG.

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