The Doxie – LCG Micro Crawler Chassis STL Package

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $18.75.

Now you have even more control! If you have a 3D printer, you can print your own versions to have spare parts, immediate upgrades, or switch up your colors for a custom rig.

The Doxie STL package includes:

  • Standard length and 0º skid angle
  • Standard length and 5º skid angle
  • Standard length with rear tine and 0º skid angle
  • Standard length with rear tine and 5º skid angle
  • DoxieXL length with 5º skid angle
  • Reversible Skid
  • Electronics Tray
  • Flat Body Mount
  • Adjustable Body Mount
  • Rock Slides

NOTE: You will need a number of items to complete you build. This kit covers the printable STL files for the chassis ONLY!


Needed to complete your build:

  • 4 8 3mm x 10mm circular magnets
  • 4-20 m2 hardware in 6mm or 8mm length
  • 4 m1.4 12mm screws
  • Transmission, links, motor, servo and tray, axles, driveshafts, shocks, tires and electronics
  • m1.4 (10 or 12mm recommended) screws and m1.4 nuts for mounting upper links and shocks to frame





It’s pretty clear rock crawlers are here to stay. These tiny trucks are shockingly capable when upgraded, even just a little. While there is no magic solution to get spiderman on wheels, the amount of customization and personalization for these tiny trucks is pretty unparalleled. Now you can build a custom chassis for fun or competitions with the Ride Low Micro Crawler Chassis – The Doxie. This is a customized base for a LCG chassis from Class 1-3 (though your local rules may be different). You decide what characteristics you want, pick your options, and then you get a specialized chassis and rails for exactly what you need.

The Doxie is meant for medium length wheelbase vehicles – C10s, deadbolts, JLU jeeps, but you can go longer by laying your shocks down a little more (even up to 170mm wheelbase). The whole point was to have a system that could use interchangeable parts to allow you to make changes or expand (or contract) when you felt like you needed a change without having to buy a whole new kit… even though we usually do because having one micro crawler never seems like enough.

Whether you are using stock electronics, brushless systems, long motors, forward or rear facing motors, the Doxie can handle it. Want to use a standard body? Do it. Want to put a Cliffhanger on? Do it. Want to put some crazy hardbody you found on eBay? Go for it.

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Crushing lines.

The right setup lets you do what seems impossible. And now you can have a lot of different setups for the impossible.

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