Fast and tiny.
Like a rocket with wheels from a civilization of tiny geniuses. Strap the pack in so it doesn’t eject out.

These little 1/14th scale buggies, truggies and SCTs are fun and fast. And the newly released mid-motor kit updates the balance of the weight and has a totally different battery hold down system. This RideLow version uses the existing metal posts, but removes the velcro and super thin carbon fiber plate for a support arm and strap. The kit also includes a M2.5 post and thumb nut for the release area, so no modding necessary.
NOTE: Remove the battery posts and install them into the extension arm first. it will take some pressure and may even require a rubber mallet to tap them into place. Then install the piece back in with the support arm toward the center of the vehicle.
Like a rocket with wheels from a civilization of tiny geniuses. Strap the pack in so it doesn’t eject out.